About Engboxx

Our mission is to give businesses and people the tools and insight to make them more productive at a minimum cost per acquisition.

Engboxx is a wholly Ghanaian owned software engineering firm focusing on providing world class software solutions. We are of the strong conviction that businesses do not only need to automate their processes but also, re-engineer their business flows for efficiency, ease of access & maximum security.

Our LIC-S Model

The goal of any technology application is to transform, but that objective is easier to reach when we listen to customers and understand their needs. Ask questions, conduct surveys, and get very specific. More often than not, in the course of a conversation, a customer will divulge information that is vital to our overall project success.


Business disruptive change is accelerating, and companies today face more ambiguity than ever before. But with ambiguity comes opportunity. Firms equipped to act in the face of uncertainty can build paths to growth that have not yet been imagined. This is what we believe. We bring to every project a global perspective, with world-class capabilities and local sensibilities. We innovate with, not at, our clients. We take your business today to where you want to be in the future. This is the FUTURE MADE TODAY.


Our approach and methodologies go beyond traditional analytic & software approaches to help you "automate processes" - identify and leverage opportunities and markets that do not yet exist. This focus enables us to bring deep expertise, experience, judgment, and pattern recognition to your growth problems. We are obsessed about causing change. Our goal is the same as yours - creating tangible business results.


Engboxx is an agile enterprise. As such we are always researching & engineering the best solutions for our clients: we go the extra mile. We prefer people and connections to processes and methods. Co-operation with our clients is more important to us than negotiating contracts and we will always choose fast reactions to change over blinkered fulfilment of pre-determined plans - that is the extent we can go. A smile from our clients is what we always strive for and that is what we always get, we make you SMILE..

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